It’s practically impossible to buy Bitcoin (if you don’t try hard)

I’ve recently heard many people say that it is very hard to buy Bitcoin (or Litecoin, Namecoin, Peercoin…). I’m already used to hearing many people claim that Bitcoin is a Ponzi scheme and that it’s a massive bubble which is going to burst very hard in the same way I’m used to hear many people say they wanted to buy but that they couldn’t.

I can stand haters, but I can’t stand whiners. And I’ve heard people too many times say it’s impossible for X to do Y, especially with Bitcoin. When a new technology/solution/product comes up, don’t expect it to be easy to use. Anything new and revolutionary that’s released will only be adopted by people who really trust in it. Thus, those who really believe in it will make the effort to get it no matter what it takes. As that product becomes more widespread, it will also be easier to reach. That’s how it goes.


It’s very easy to watch Bitcoin grow from your comfortable couch and say you already predicted it would increase this way. It’s very easy to treat yourself with some self-complacency saying that you would have already bought back in 2011 but that you couldn’t because it’s very hard. Sorry but it doesn’t count. Bitcoin was harder to grab at that time, but it still allowed those who really believed in it to get some. As time goes by, it will be easier to get into the game. It’s just your will what determines at what stage you will enter. The rest doesn’t count.


Now read this


It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open one’s mouth and remove all doubt. Mark Twain When I received the invitation to start writing on Svbtle I was very surprised. Frankly, I didn’t expect to be invited to write... Continue →